
Bathroom room

The room is revealed to be accessible through two side doors, each with an important story to tell. One of these doors, clearly designated as the main entrance, still retains signs of the original door knockers that once sealed the entrance (as evidenced by the first photo). On the other side, however, is a more battered and difficult to reach entrance. But the entrance that captures the imagination in an extraordinary way is the one revealed in the second photo. Here, a partially submerged opening presents itself as an inviting hole, granting direct access to the sea. Entering from this point is like embarking on a dream. One held breath, two strokes and one finds oneself transported from a small, crowded beach to a suspended place, out of the flow of time.This room plays a special role at the seaside resort of Santa Caterina di Nardò. Its function dates back to the nineteenth and early twentieth century, when women of a certain social standing had the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of bathing by the sea. These moments required absolute discretion and privacy. To meet these needs, rooms were specially built along the cliffs. Here, seawater penetrated creating natural covered pools, often enhanced by small beaches, just as in the case at hand.The ladies accessed these rooms directly from the ground, being able to bathe in the waters without disturbing prying eyes and without exposing themselves to the rays of the summer sun, which could have tanned their delicate skin, giving them an appearance similar to that of peasant women working in the fields. This space recounts a fascinating chapter in history, in which elegance and privacy were intertwined with natural beauty and the marine environment, creating a secret and evocative retreat for those who could afford it.

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