Religious Places

Basilica of Santo Spirito in Florence

Arriving in Piazza Santo Spirito the eye cannot but fall on the splendid Basilica di Santo Spirito. Built on a project by Filippo Brunelleschi, the Basilica was the last masterpiece of the famous architect, who began work in 1444. After his death, the project passed into the hands of Antonio Manetti, Giovanni da Gaiole and Salvi d’Andrea, who finished it at the end of the 15th century. The façade of the Basilica was never actually finished and has an elegant line, but is completely devoid of decorations. The simplicity of the facade, however, should not mislead: inside the church contains remarkable works of art by artists such as Filippino Lippi, Bernardo Rossellino, Maso di Banco and a wooden crucifix attributed to a young Michelangelo Buonarroti. To the left of the facade of the Basilica is the Museo della Fondazione Romano where the beautiful Cenacolo di Santo Spirito, the work of Andrea Orcagna, is located. The Cenacolo is located in the refectory of the ancient Augustinian convent which was not involved in Brunelleschi’s project and has therefore maintained its late Gothic charm. The Cenacolo was frescoed by Andrea Orcagna who painted a large Crucifixion with Mary and the pious women above the Last Supper. Unfortunately, over the centuries the frescoes have been irremedially ruined and today are only partially visible. Read more about the Cenacolo di Santo Spirito in this article.

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