Historical Sites

Avella and the Antiquarium Museum

The Antiquarium was inaugurated in 1996 and consists of four exhibition rooms, organized according to a chronological and thematic criterion. In the first room the most significant finds from prehistoric and protohistoric sites of the Clanis Valley are exhibited; the didactic panels illustrate the geomorphology of the Avellan territory and the distribution of the archaeological emergencies known in the settlement of ancient Abella. The second room is dedicated to the necropolis of Abella; the exhibition includes a selection of the funerary objects found in the necropolis identified in S. Nazzaro and S. Paolino. In the same room it is possible, moreover, to see an exceptional discovery made in the area of the present historical centre (via Mulini): an inscription reminiscent of the construction of public buildings by the magistrate Maio Vestirikio (end II century B.C.). The third room is divided into two sectors: in the first one there is an exceptional burial of archaic age that includes a rich example of local ceramic production and imported ceramics from the Etruscan and Greek area. In the second sector, on the other hand, the materials coming from two extra-urban sacred areas, identified in Seminario and Campochiaro, are exhibited. The findings document, in the first case, the existence of a cult linked to the sphere of fecundity (figurines of kourotrophoi) and sanatio (anatomical ex-voto), in the second one they connote the cult of Italic divinities among which the figure of Hercules emerges.

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