Art, Theaters and Museums

At the Rabbit Agile Cabaret

<p>The <strong>Lapin Agile</strong> historic cabaret near <strong>Montmartre</strong> was originally called the <strong>Cabaret des Assassins</strong> because tradition has it that one night a gang of assassins interrupted and killed the owner’s son. In 1866 Ad&egrave;le Decerf, a former cancan dancer whose culinary specialty was rabbit sautéed in a pan, took over the management of the restaurant, and in 1875 the caricaturist Andr&eacute; Gill imagined as the restaurant’s sign precisely a rabbit leaping out of a pan. From the play on words Le lapin &agrave; Gill, or Gill’s rabbit was born the cabaret’s emblematic name the agile lapin.</p> <p>It was a favorite haunt of early 20th century bohemian artists such as <strong>Pablo Picasso</strong>, Max Jacob,Roland Dorgel&egrave;s, Francis Carco, <strong>Modigliani</strong>, <strong>Apollinaire</strong>, <strong>Utrillo</strong> and Pierre Mac Orlan. The venue &egrave; consists of a small pink, vine-covered cottage located at 4 rue des Saules in the charming Montmartre district, and hosts performances by young Parisian artists every evening.</p> <p>A very atmospheric venue where you are sure to spend an evening of cheerfulness and good humor.</p>

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