The visit of Palazzo Volpi is the ideal starting point to start the knowledge of the artistic reality of the city and the territory of Como: at the end of the eighties the Palace was the ideal outlet for the expansion of the civic museums, there were in fact gradually transferred significant portions of the art collections, consisting of paintings and sculptures from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, originally exhibited or preserved in the warehouses of Palazzo Giovio and Palazzo Olginati.
The new premises were inaugurated in 1989 with the realisation of three exhibitions dedicated to fourteenth century painting in Como, to the artistic production of the 17th century in Como and to the twentieth century group of Abstract artists from Como.
In 1992 the installation of sliding racks in the storerooms allowed the transfer of the rest of the picture gallery from Palazzo Giovio.
During the following years the rooms of the other sections were gradually set up; today the picture gallery is composed of the Medieval Section, the Renaissance Section, the picture gallery and the twentieth century.