Art, Theaters and Museums

Ariadne’s Labyrinth

The Labyrinth of Ariadne is a work of contemporary art that is part of the Fiumara d’Arte which is located near the town of Castel di Lucio, on the Nebrodi, in the province of Messina.The story of the Labyrinth of Ariadne has its roots in ancient Greece. Arianna was in fact the princess of Crete. Legend has it that Ariadne, who fell in love with Theseus, had made a ball of thread to find her way through the labyrinth of Knossos, where the Minotaur was hiding. The labyrinth of Ariadne was instead realized on the crest of a hill in 1990 by the artist Italo Lanfredini. It is located inside the Fiumara d’arte of the magnate Antonio Presti, which starts from Castel di Tusa. The concrete sculpture, inside which you can walk just like in a concentric labyrinth, faces the theme of the ascent towards the purity thanks to the walk. "The labyrinth – recites the text of the foundation – is reflection, is spirituality that derives from a sort of "maternity", expressed in a sweet concentric unfolding of circles culminating in an aspiration to the high, to the sublime".

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