Historical Sites

Ancient University of Coimbra

The University, founded in 1290, is Coimbra’s most famous attraction. The historical seat is located in the Upper Coimbra, the ancient core of the city, and includes elegant and austere medieval and Renaissance palaces gathered around the Páteo das Escolas and dominated by an imposing tower whose bell marks the rhythms of academic life. The most visited building is the magnificent Joanina Library, which contains more than 300,000 volumes from the 16th to the 18th century, arranged on elegant shelves decorated with talha dourada (carved wood covered with gold foil). How to visit the University of Coimbra With the exception of the library, the entrance to the university campus is free and can be visited independently; if you prefer a guided tour, there are three per day. The University is a stop on almost all guided tours of the city of Coimbra. It is not strictly necessary to visit the historical seat of the University to realize the importance it has had and still has in the history of the city. You can meet university students everywhere: the most traditionalists wear the traditional traje académico, consisting of a black cloak and suit, a white shirt and in some cases a headgear or coat of arms. If you visit Coimbra in May, you might see the Queima das Fitas, the lively ritual by which graduates celebrate the end of their studies. One of the highlights of the celebrations is the Fado de Coimbra, a serenade that students sing on the steps of the Sé Velha, the city’s cathedral.

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