Historical Sites

Ancient Mycenae

The ancient city of Mycenae, located in southern Greece, is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. The site was discovered in the 19th century by Heinrich Schliemann, a German archaeologist who also discovered the city of Troy, and shed light on the ancient history of Greece.Mycenae was one of the most important cities of ancient Greece, with a long and glorious history spanning more than a thousand years. According to Greek mythology, Mycenae was founded by the legendary king Perseus, son of Zeus and Danae. Later, the city was ruled by a series of kings and queens, including Agamemnon, the famous commander of the Greek army in the Trojan War.Mycenae reached its peak during the Mycenaean period, around the 14th and 13th centuries BCE. The city was known for its military might, wealth, and artistic and architectural culture. Among the main attractions at the archaeological site of Mycenae are the famous cyclopean walls, the tholos tombs, the palace of Agamemnon, and the Treasury of Atreus.The cyclopean walls were built with huge stone blocks, without mortar, and are one of the best examples of cyclopean architecture in antiquity. According to legend, the walls were built by the Cyclopes, giant creatures with a single eye in the center of their foreheads, who lived on Mount Etna in Sicily.The tholos tombs are a series of circular, vaulted tombs decorated with beautiful frescoes. The most famous tomb is that of Agamemnon, a large circular construction about 14 meters in diameter. The tomb was discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876, and many valuable treasures were found inside, including the famous Agamemnon’s Funeral Mask treasure.Agamemnon’s palace, located in the center of Mycenae, has been described as one of the largest and most luxurious palaces of antiquity. The palace consisted of several rooms, including the throne room, banquet hall, and bedrooms. The palace was destroyed by fire around 1200 B.C., but it was restored and opened to the public.Finally, the Treasury of Atreus is one of the most striking buildings in Mycenae. This tholos-shaped building has a diameter of about 14 meters and a vault 13 meters high. The building was carved into the rock and has a portal decorated with beautiful bas-reliefs.In addition to its archaeological beauty, Mycenae has also inspired many works of art and literature, such as Aeschylus’ famous tragedy, "The Coephoras"

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