Anacapa Island … A small island with great views and a beautiful lighthouse
The closest to the mainland of all the Channel Islands, little Anacapa is just 19.3 km from the coast and is therefore the most visited destination: the sea crossing takes about an hour and you can explore the whole island in half a day. The boat drops anchor on the smallest of the three tiny islands of Anacapa, less than a square kilometer in area. If you listen carefully you can hear the gloomy sound of the lighthouse, built on this island in 1932 to keep ships away from its treacherous coastline. A 3.2km long trail traces an 8km path over the small island, along impressive vantage points at Inspiration Point and Cathedral Cove. From Inspiration Point you can see the two smaller islands of Anacapa and the relatively larger Santa Cruz Island in the background. Lean out from the cliff to watch seals and sea lions.