Amaretto boasts a very ancient history. In fact, we have to go back to the year 1400 when an old friar from Subiaco, passing through Guarcino, a small town in Ciociaria very close to Fiuggi, stopped there and was welcomed by Mrs. De Angelis in Caponi. So warm was the welcome that the impressed friar gave her the Amaretto formula to brighten her table. Since then, Amaretto became famous and sought after for its mild and overpowering taste. Some time later, the Guarcinese house moved to Fiuggi where, under the banners of the Caponi confectionery, custodians of the only true recipe, it continued to grow its fame.
Recipe: Soak the Almonds in boiling water, peel them, pass them through the oven, pound them in a mortar and mix them with sugar in a bowl. Beat the whites until stiff and add them a little at a time to the almonds, stirring gently.
Arrange the wafer disks on a flour-dusted baking sheet and arrange the batter in oval-shaped mounds,bake at 180 for 30 minutes.