the best-known legend about the founding of Alexandria tells that it was the famous Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great who founded the city in 331 BC. According to the legend, the king visited the oracle of Amun in Siwa, where he was foretold that he would become a god. Alexander was so impressed by this prophecy that he decided to found a city that would be a center of culture and knowledge, dedicated to the worship of himself as a deity. He is said to have chosen the site of the city near the point where the Nile divides into two branches, the Rosetta and the Canopus.According to legend, the city was founded on the basis of a grid design, with a large central square and streets intersecting to form a regular grid. The city was designed to be the center of Greek culture in Egypt, with a large museum and library that would have collected all the works of antiquity.Although there is no historical evidence to support this legend, the founding of Alexandria by Alexander the Great was a significant event in the history of Egypt and the ancient world.