Exploring the beautiful countryside of the Crete Senesi in the south-east of Siena you should not miss a visit to the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore. This beautiful abbey was founded in 1319 by three Sienese nobles who decided to abandon luxury and wealth to retire in solitude and live according to the Benedictine rule.
Bernardo Tolomei, Patrizio Patrizi and Ambrogio Piccolomini chose, as the place of their new life, an area called "Acona", a corner of the Crete Senesi characterized by imposing and scenic gullies, where, today as in the past, peace and tranquility reign supreme.
The Abbey is still inhabited by Olivetan monks, and it is possible to visit the marvellous church, the large cloister with its famous fresco cycle depicting the stories of Saint Benedict (15th-16th century, begun by Luca Signorelli and completed by Antonio Bazzi known as Sodoma), the precious pharmacy, the rich library, the refectory and a surprising, small museum.
Inside this are exposed some important works of art, some watercolors of the ‘700 with the views of the Abbey, and also a painting donated to the monks by the Artist Luigi Mussini, Amos Cassioli’s teacher.
During some liturgies (Conventual Mass, Vespers, Compline and partly at Lauds), it is possible to listen to the ancient Gregorian chants, traditionally attributed to Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604) still in use by the Olivetan monks.