Be ready at six o’clock and go to the Piazza delle Erbe. The first glance is electrifying: it is teeming with passersby, picturesque and colorful, with its 14th century Lamberti tower, tower-houses, permanent market, Mazzanti houses and their frescoes, the Domus Mercatorum and the fountain of Madonna Verona. The square stands on the site of the Roman forum and has always been the nerve center of the city. This is why you need to come here and experience Verona’s happy hour, one of the most significant moments of everyday city life. Aperitif in Verona is a serious matter. It is an opportunity to meet up and an excuse to celebrate anything, even if it is just the end of a work day. If the aperitif is a tradition that must be respected, then do it right: with a spritz, the low-alcohol drink made with prosecco, bitters (Campari or Aperol as preferred) and sparkling water or seltzer. It is a drink that, over the years, has traveled beyond Venetian and national borders, becoming increasingly popular. Sit at the table of one of the many bars in the square and order one, then another and another, together with a platter of local salami and cheeses.